Sunday, April 02, 2006

NCC volume4---April Photos

I want to tell you guys about how wouderful city Chicago is.
Chicago is a sister city of Osaka, and the population of the city is 2,900,000(The population of Osaka is 2,600,000). And Chicago is three times larger than Osaka.
Chicago is famous for skyscrapers. The highest tower is Sease Tower(You can see it on the right side of this picture). The height is 443m, and it is the third highest building in the world and the highest building in the United States. There are 110 floors and 12000 pople is working in the tower! The third highest building of Chicago is John Hancock Center. I went to there this week. And I took this picture from the top floor (floor 100) of this building! The night view was AWESOME!
I told you that Chicago is famous for skyscrapers. There are first, third, and fourth highest builings of United States in Chicago:D And the desigh of the buildings are so unique.
Chicago is also famouse for museums. I hope I can tell you about the museums soon.

1 comment:

JH said...

I think the only class that Cube is taking is my class.