I think to master English is important for us because we need to use English as a tool of international communication. So it may be natural for many Japanese to take many kinds of English certificate examination. But when we take an examination, the most important thing is not getting good score, but getting essential communication ability to maintain our own idea through the study for English certificate examination. To be a real good communicator, we have to have our own idea and do persuasive negotiation making the best of our awkward English. Why we study English? Is it to get good score for our promotion or entrance? It can’t be reason. I think it is important to get real ability for our goal because what kinds of English we need is depend on our future. Otherwise we will not be able to study English efficiently and actively and be a good communicator. I said to myself why I am studying English. It is not to get capacities, but for my future students. I want to be a glamourous English teacher, and teach many students not only grammar and content of textbook but also culture and custom of many countries because I want students to like English and be positive communicators. For my goal, I have to study English respecting its culture. Thus the first step to start studying English is thinking why I try to study English and what I want to do using English. I learned this idea from this book.
I thought we should do many communication activities to grow up good communicators. Because when I was junior high school student, I hardly did communication activities and I was always studying grammar at English class, so I could not communicate with others. But I found Japanese students should study grammar more in comparison with other Asian Nations. So I changed my idea: it is important to keep the balances of 4 skills.