Sunday, May 06, 2007

Graduation Thesis ★ May 6

1) My central question
"Which areas of pronunciation does the New Horizon Sound Box cover and what implications does this have for students' pronunciation development?"

2) Summary of the article I found this week
I found a really useful article called "発音教育をめぐる教育環境 -入門期の発音指導の現状" by 山本久仁子.
She investigated how the English textbooks (New Horizon, Total English, and One World English Course) of 7th grade deal with pronunciation and analyzed with 5 areas of pronunciation(Segmental Phoneme, Accent, Intonation, Pause, and Linking). She found that every textbook teaches the phoneme of each words well, but she figured that the teaching of suprasegmental phoneme is not enough for the English to communicate with foreign people. Each textbook have different approaches to teach intonation and stress, and especially New Horizon is making a new attack on the teaching the pronunciation.

3) How does this article relate to my thesis?
I want to investigate only about New Horizon becasue it is one of the most widely used textbook in Japan(it has a circulation of 2,000,000 in 1998). Also I want to analyze not only 7th grade but also 8th&9th grade textbooks to know how it teaches different areas of pronunciation in each grades. I still don't know how many areas of pronunciation I am going to use to analyze but I am sure the way she analyzed the textbooks will help my analysis.

1 comment:

JH said...

For next time:
1) Find out how other people have evaluated the pronunication seciots of textbooks.
2) Come up with a rubric for evaluating pronunication sections.
3) Think about your methodology for your research.
a) How will you evaluate the pronunciation sections?
i) using your rubric?
ii) interviewing or givinga questionnair to teachers and students?
iii) teaching the pronunication sections yourself?
4) Make a plan: when will you carry out the above?